Book your School Tour today

Limited enrolments are still available for this year. Discover the PCS way at Sydney's only independent, Christian Toddler to Year 12 School.

Join our Creative Academy

Be a part of our pioneer academy, discovering and expanding your creative skills in group and private lessons.

Key Alliance Trade Training Centre

Learn a trade, start an apprenticeship and earn money while completing your Year 12 Certificate.

Find your Sporting Passion

Specialist Staff help students find their sporting passions. We are renowned for our representation in sport across the Nepean Region and beyond.

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Discover the PCS way

Our Motto Strive for the Highest

1 Corinthians 10:31 ". whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

We aim to strive for the highest in Truth, Integrity, Excellence & Service in everything that we do, so that we may glorify God.

We are proud to offer a fully registered and accredited Early Learning Centre for Toddlers, Preschool and Prep that promotes consistency and a smooth transition into the Primary and Secondary School years.

Early Learning Centre

Toddler, Prep & Preschool


Kindergarten - Year 6


School Tours

Tours available in September

Open classrooms
Nurturing educators
Modern facilities
Christ-centred education


The preferred choice for families.

Families choose PCS for quality, Christian education and our community-centred approach.

years of quality Christian Education post graduation Trade Career options Early Learning to Year 12 students dedicated Christian staff minute off the M4 Motorway hectares of naturally landscaped grounds


We believe that great learning and well people create an ever increasing positive cycle for all. This is driven by our five pillars…


I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.
Proverbs 4:11


Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.
Proverbs 4:23


As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17


The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.
Proverbs 16:9


Not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.
Philippians 2:4 Cocurricular

Service Learning Go Beyond

We go beyond ourselves by engaging, giving and going to the vulnerable in our community, both locally and globally.


School Sport Active bodies and minds

Sport is an important part of the lives of our students and promotes an active lifestyle, social interaction, and a strong sense of sportsmanship and fair play.


Music Rhyme and rhythm

An environment where students strengthen their unique talents and have the opportunity to shine every day.


Creative and Performing Arts

Exciting opportunities to explore and develop your talents.


STEM (F1 in Schools)

Students as young as 10 are designing, testing and making miniature F1™ cars capable of 80 km/hr.


In their own words

Students Parents

Claire Juhasz

Class of 2017

Started at PCS in Kindergarten in 2005 and graduated Year 12 in 2017. Teachers actually care about your education and value each students different learning styles. I left PCS with a lot of positive memories and life long friends.

Rene Nel


Early Childhood Learning Staff made Prep School such a great beginning for my daughter who has battled cancer since the age of 14 months. Last year was her first year in remission where she got to learn how to walk and do things that children her age do. Going to Prep School is an amazing privilege for her that we are so thankful for. To witness her having fun with friends and sharing great stories of normal things is unbelievably wonderful. Thank you for making her feel welcome, safe and cared for.

Tracy Nelson


Seeing you at the gate this morning giving out stamps to the kids and being so positive was fantastic. My son Nicholas has been very clingy in the mornings lately and doesn't want to leave mummy so seeing you there this morning and being so positive made the goodbye very easy. Thank you for your passion at the school and for making it such a wonderful place for my kids to go every day.

Ruth Baker


William (in Prep) and Henry (in Preschool) settled in so quickly and are SO happy there! The staff there have been fabulous. The gospel focus is great but all the school preparedness lessons have engaged them both. William comes home every day just bubbling with excitement over what they did—I used to pick them both up from daycare in tears and very clingy. Now they run in circles around me on the way to the car telling me everything that happened and showing me things they've made. It is so joyful to know my boys are in good hands and a great Christian environment.