Linguistics 101: Odd Driving Regionalisms and Slang in the USA

“Careful, there’s a chughole on that feeder coming off The 101!” Huh? If you’re wondering what on earth that sentence means, you are about to find out! We’ve compiled some of the strangest, most unique slang for everyday driving terms used in the United States.

Starting with Harvard’s 2003 Dialect Study, we scoured the web for the strangest regionalisms we could find related to driving. Using Google Trends — and even the Oxford Dictionary — we’ve put together a collection of the most bizarre synonyms, phrases, and lexicon used across the country.

Driving is something that ties people together across the nation. But how they describe driving and the names for certain road features varies greatly by region. The Zebra took a deep dive into the linguistics of driving and the different versions of car language that exist and how they affect people who aren’t familiar with these terms. For example, the grassy area between the sidewalk and the street is called the “Devil’s Strip.” And while this phrase was coined during WWII, those outside of Ohio have probably never heard of this unique turn of phrase.

We also took a look at the popularity of the phrase at its origin point. You might be surprised to learn that the aforementioned “Devil’s Strip” is only used by .06% of Ohio drivers. However the term “Feeder Road,” used to describe the road that runs parallel to a major highway with entry and exit points, is used by .71% of Texans everyday. But no matter where you are within the country, familiarizing yourself with these terms can help you be a more informed and safe driver and can assist you in properly conveying directions to others.

There are a lot of linguistics that go into giving someone directions, especially if they are from a foreign place or are lost. Studies have found that people give and receive directions differently based on where they are from. But luckily, there are a few science-backed formulas that will help you communicate more effectively, no matter whom you talk to. Check out those formulas and all the most unique driving terms found across the country in our visuals. Just click here !

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