Mousetrap Car - Explained



By LanceMakes 30+ STEM Projects for Kids Follow

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About: I'm a writer, maker, and educator who's on a mission to better the world through hands-on engineering projects. Check out my work: More About LanceMakes »

The mousetrap car project is a classic physics challenge: Build a vehicle that can travel as far or as fast as possible by using only the energy that can be stored in a single mousetrap. Seems simple enough, but the reason it's so popular is because it's rich in science concepts, applied math, and design possibilities. For example, you can calculate the mechanical advantage to determine how efficiently the car is utilizing the energy from the mousetrap, or calculate the minimum distance the car will travel!

This Instructable will focus on how to build a mousetrap car that travels as far as possible using only the materials that are shared with all of my other STEM Projects for Kids (plus mousetraps of course).

Read on to the end of the Instructable for a detailed explanation about the science and math concepts that are being applied, how to optimize the mousetrap car to go as far as possible, and downloadable classroom resources including a lesson outline and project sheet.

You can find the lesson plan, 1-page project sheet, and more project ideas at


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Step 1: Build the Frame

Hot glue craft sticks together to form a rectangle that's 4 sticks long (picture 1). Make sure to overlap the sticks by at least 0.75" or so to ensure the frame doesn't break under the stress of the loaded mousetrap. Additionally, leave one end of the frame open (shown on the left in picture 1).

Glue four craft cubes onto the open end of the frame with a gap between them (picture 2). This gap is where the drive wheels will be installed, so here's a tip: Put the plastic straw between the cubes as you're gluing them in place to space them perfectly.

Step 2: Make the Drive Wheels

Cut very short pieces (≈0.5 - 0.75") of straw and put it onto the dowel that's supplied with the large wheel set. Next, fit the large wheels onto the ends of the dowel (picture 1).

If the wheels fit loosely, then wrap one layer of of masking tape around the end of the dowel before putting the wheels on (picture 2).

Step 3: Install the Drive Wheels

Put a generous amount of hot glue into the gap between the cubes. Wait a moment for the glue to begin to cool, otherwise the heat may melt or deform the straw pieces, which will generate lots of unnecessary friction. Once the glue is tacky, set the small straw pieces of the drive wheels into the gap (picture 1).

Flip the frame over (picture 2). This helps prevents the drive wheels from slipping out of the gap over time.

Tie a cable tie to the drive wheel dowel, off-center and near the frame (this will be explained when winding up the string). Pull it as tight as possible, then cut off the excess (picture 3). This is where the string will be attached to the drive wheels. If the cable tie is slipping, then apply a small dot of glue onto it.

Step 4: Make the Idle Wheels

The idle wheels need to be as lightweight and frictionless as possible, so small wheels will be used.

Put a straw piece that's about 5" onto the 1/8" dowel. Fit two small wheels onto the ends of the dowel; wrap the ends of the dowel in tape if the wheels are slipping off. Cut off any excess dowel (picture 1).

Tape the wheels to the other short side of the frame (picture 2). Make sure these wheels are parallel to the drive wheel dowel.

The car frame and wheels are complete (picture 3)! Time to add some mousetrap power.

Step 5: Attach the Mousetrap

Optional: Use pliers to pull out the latch and trigger from the mousetrap (picture 1). This isn't totally necessary, but it will make the next steps a little easier and may add a small amount of efficiency to the car's performance.

Glue the mousetrap to the frame near the small wheels. Make sure the closed arm is facing toward the small wheels as shown.

Step 6: Extend the Mousetrap Arm

Mousetraps are not as forceful and dangerous as you might think, especially when the arm is already lowered (at least this is true of the Victor brand trap linked in the supplies). They only pose a significant hazard when the arm is pulled back and released quickly, so don't be afraid to get in there and start building!

Lift the mousetrap arm and position two half-craft sticks under it as shown (picture 1).

Glue two craft sticks perpendicular to the half-sticks, then apply a generous layer of hot glue over all the sticks and the metal mousetrap arm (picture 2).

Glue two more half-sticks on top of the arm as shown (picture 3). This sandwiching technique ensures that the mousetrap car arm has a solid foundation and won't bend or break during use.

Extend the arm so its three craft sticks long and two craft sticks wide (picture 3). Like the frame, make sure to overlap the sticks by at least 0.75" or so (picture 4).

Lastly, adjust the length of the arm: add more sticks or cut it shorter until the very end of the arm touches the drive wheel axle. If the arm is shorter or longer than that, then the mousetrap car won't work as efficiently (see the step The Science and Math of the Mousetrap Car for more info).

Step 7: Attach the String

Pull the arm back toward the drive wheels. Apply hot glue to the end and lay the end of the string onto it (picture 1).

Wrap tape around the string and the arm (picture 2). The combination of hot glue, tape, and attaching the string to the underside of the arm will prevent the string from coming undone.

Let the mousetrap arm close it points past the front wheels. Unspool the string from the roll and cut it so it's about 2-3" past the drive wheel dowel (picture 3).

Tie the end of the string into a small loop (picture 4).

Step 8: Wind Up and Go!

Loop the string onto the cable tie from the underside of the dowel (picture 1).

Carefully wind the string around the dowel by turning the drive wheels. As much as possible, try to wrap just one layer of string around the dowel (picture 1).

To drive, just set the car on a smooth, flat surface, then let go!

Step 9: The Science and Math of the Mousetrap Car

Now that you've seen how the car is built, here's an overview of the science and math that's behind the car:

The basics

Mechanical Advantage

Calculating minimum distance